Raising Global Children by Stacie Berdan

A new book, Raising Global Children: Ways Parents Can Help Our Children Grow Up Ready to Succeed in a Multicultural Global Economy, published by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, emphasizes the need for today's children to develop a global mindset -- an indispensable tool for success.

International Careers Expert Stacie Nevadomski Berdan and her husband, veteran travel writer Marshall S. Berdan, provide the rationale and concrete steps parents and teachers can take to open up the world to young people. Packed with practical information, hundreds of tips and dozens of real-life stories, this combination parenting-advocacy book is the first of its kind to detail what raising global children means, why global awareness is important and how to develop a global mindset. Enthusiastically praised by parents and professionals alike, Raising Global Children will change the way you think about raising and educating children.

Read more about the book and this important topic in a recent article by Stacie Berdan in the Huffington Post, Working Together to Raise Global Children.

Institute Of International Education