Call for Papers for the IIENetworker Fall 2014 Issue: "What Will it Take to Double Study Abroad?"

IIE is seeking article submissions that highlight best practices and explore bold new ideas for doubling the number of U.S. students who study abroad by the end of the decade for its fall edition of the IIENetworker magazine, "What Will It Take to Double Study Abroad?"

Proposed articles should identify and examine ways to break down barriers (perceived and real) hindering students from participating in an international experience, such as obstacles related to cost, curriculum, and culture; share successful strategies and best practices in increasing study abroad; or discuss ideas for improving study abroad experiences for students already taking part. Articles on expanding diversity in race and ethnicity, academic disciplines, and gender are strongly encouraged. We also encourage contributions from professionals outside the strictly higher education structure, including those in K-12, language learning, and the private and government sectors. 

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Institute Of International Education