IIENetwork Handbook for International Educators

The Institute of International Education is pleased to announce that the new IIENetwork Handbook for International Educators has just been published. The 200-page Handbook includes comprehensive listings and resources for networking and internationalizing your campus. The IIENetwork Handbook is also available in electronic format for IIE members.

Access this password-protected member benefit

The 2015 IIENetwork Handbook is a practical tool for higher education institutions that includes resources on:
The Handbook also includes comprehensive listings and contact information for:
The membership contact at each IIENetwork member institution will receive one complimentary copy of the publication, and all member designees can access the password-protected online version. To order additional copies of the IIENetwork Handbook, visit iiebooks.org/iihaforined1.html. For more information, contact membership@iie.org.

Institute Of International Education