News Highlights:

The African Academic Diaspora and African Higher Education
A recent article in the Boston College Center for International Higher Education’s quarterly publication discusses a report on the African-born academic diaspora in North America, which has grown rapidly over the last three decades. The article highlights recent efforts—including the Carnegie African Diaspora Fellowship Program administered by IIE—to address barriers in Africa and North America that frustrate efforts to improve research collaborations and curriculum development.

Asian Universities on the Rise: New Findings on Strategies Designed to Boost Rankings and Research
A new report from UNESCO entitled "Higher Education in Asia: Expanding Out, Expanding Up" analyzes ways in which countries across Asia can accommodate more students while strengthening the quality of their university programs and research. According to the report, higher education systems are expanding. But the situation varies considerably between countries, with the share of students enrolled in private institutions ranging from 15 percent in Vietnam to 81 percent in the Republic of Korea.

State Governments Leverage Higher Education in International Engagement
A recent study by the Nelson A. Rockefeller Institute of Government of the State University of New York suggests that state government involvement in the international programming of colleges and universities is frequently tied to the state's commitment to stimulating economic development. While states' activities often link businesses and campuses around research, the report also points to increased foreign student recruitment and study abroad programs, with the intention of building a workforce prepared for the knowledge economy.

IIE Blog: IIE’s Global Teacher Programs Team is #generationstudyabroad
Tatiana Mackliff blogged this week about IIE’s Global Teacher Programs. "Members of our team come to work every day knowing that their contributions will dramatically change the life of the teachers they support," writes Mackliff. "As if passion and commitment were not enough to make a great IIE employee, they have all lived, worked, studied, and traveled abroad." In her post, Mackliff shares about the international experiences of six IIE team members.

Institute Of International Education