The Impact of Globalization on International Education: Spring 2014 Issue of IIENetworker

The spring 2014 IIENetworker magazine, titled "The Impact of Globalization on International Education," is now available as a free interactive flipbook.

Global education, as we understand it today, would be unthinkable without the many forces of globalization—economic, political, social, and cultural. These forces have transformed internationalization in academia from an endeavor centered primarily on sending students abroad to a rich network of multiple institutional activities that can define a college or university’s entire identity. Yet, theories of globalization have been decidedly absent in discussions of international education—and vice versa. This issue of the IIENetworker initiates this discussion by bringing together a variety of scholarship and practical analysis to explore the impact of globalization on the design, implementation, and practice of global education.

This IIENetworker edition benefited from the insight of two guest editors, Jeffrey Peck, Vice Provost for Global Strategies and Dean of the Weissman School of Arts and Sciences at Baruch College CUNY, and Stephen Hanson, Vice Provost for International Affairs at William & Mary.

Print copies are available for purchase at

Call for Papers for the IIENetworker Fall 2014 Issue: "What Will It Take to Double Study Abroad?"

Submission Deadline: May 23, 2014
According to the 2013 Open Doors Report, 295,000 American college students studied abroad for credit and in non-credit programs. This represents only 10 percent of students who graduated with associates or baccalaureate degrees. In today’s increasingly global workplace, the number is far too low. Globalization brings with it the demand for a U.S. workforce that both possesses knowledge of other countries and cultures and is competent in languages other than English. International experiences are among of the best ways students can acquire these global skills. In response to this need, IIE recently launched Generation Study Abroad, which seeks to double the number of U.S. students who study abroad by the end of the decade. The initiative will reach out to educators at all levels and stakeholders in the public and private sectors and to encourage meaningful, innovative action in order to drive up the number of U.S. students who have the opportunity to gain international experience through academic study abroad programs, internships, service learning, and non-credit educational experiences. 
The purpose of this issue of the IIENetworker is to highlight current best practices and to explore bold new ideas to help us reach this ambitious goal.  Proposed articles should examine ways to identify and break down barriers (perceived and real) hindering students from participating in an international experience, such as obstacles related to cost, curriculum, and culture; share successful strategies and best practices in increasing study abroad; or discuss ideas for improving study abroad experiences for students already taking part. Articles on expanding diversity in race and ethnicity, academic disciplines, and gender are strongly encouraged. We also encourage contributions from professionals outside the strictly higher education structure, including those in K-12, language learning, and the private and government sectors. Articles should be between 1000 and 1500 words. 
Please let us know as soon as possible if you plan to submit. The submission deadline for completed articles is May 23, 2014. You will be notified as soon as a publication decision is made. 
If you are interested in submitting an article for the spring 2014 issue of IIENetworker, please address all inquiries to For more information on IIENetworker, please visit:

Institute Of International Education