International Education in the News

Turkey’s Fraying International Ties – Inside Higher Ed 
A crackdown on Turkey’s higher education sector after a failed coup has far-reaching effects for fraying academic collaboration and exchange.

After the Emergency: What European Migration Policy will Eventually Look Like – Brookings
For months, Europe has been dealing with the hectic, day-to-day struggles of managing a massive migrant crisis. While those challenges dominate in the short term, European leaders must also start thinking about medium- to long-term reforms to the European Union’s asylum and migration policies.

USA: Widening Participation in the Scope of "Study Abroad" – The Pie News 
More students are seeking out practical training during their study abroad experiences for both personal and professional development. This helps to give them a leg up in the job search, showing employers that they have real-life experience and global skills that are essential in today’s workplace.