International Education in the News

In the last decade the number of Chinese students studying abroad in the United States has seen almost a five-fold increase and they now comprise the largest group of international students in the U.S., however determining who hosts these students was a difficult question to answer. — Foreign Policy

Higher Education- Looking Forward to 2016
Will developments in higher education from the past 12 months continue to drive the agenda in 2016? A look into lower tuition fees, increasing number of rankings, the role of higher education in the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations, increase of study aboard credits and degrees, the call for internationalization of the curriculum, employability, and global citizenship, and the impact of global instability, terrorism and the refugee crisis on higher education. — University World News

Universities Step Up to Aid Syrian Refugees
Institutions are working to privately sponsor refugee families and to help bring student refugees here to study. —University Affairs