IIE-SRF Fellow Writes on UN Climate Change Summit for BBC Persian

During the course of the 2015 United Nations Climate Change Summit currently taking place in Paris, IIE-Scholar Rescue Fund Fellow Nasser Karami is publishing a series of articles related to the Summit on BBC Persian. Dr. Karami, who is considered a leading expert and public intellectual in the field of physical geography and climatology, is optimistic that the 2015 Paris Summit will be more successful than the UN’s 2009 Summit in Copenhagen, which was considered widely to have made little impact. In Iran, Dr. Karami served as editor-in-chief of an environmental news network and as senior editor for an Iranian daily, where he utilized diverse scholarly and popular mediums to promote environmental conservation and sustainable development. In December 2013, Dr. Karami joined the University of Bergen, Norway as an IIE-SRF Fellow with support from the Scholars at Risk Network.
