Register for the IIE Summit on Generation Study Abroad

Early Registration Deadline:
May 1, 2015 | Register Today!

On October 1-2, 2015, the inaugural IIE Summit will bring together Generation Study Abroad commitment partners in Washington, DC, to highlight their progress and create positive new solutions.
Meet partners from across sectors and around the world and hear about Commitments that work. During featured high-level plenary debates, action-oriented sessions, think tanks, and networking opportunities, as well as an engaging expo hall, the Summit will mobilize Commitments and inspire new actions. Professionals from all sectors and all areas are encouraged to attend, with the goal of promoting dialogue beyond the traditional study abroad community. The Embassies of Brazil, New Zealand, Norway, and the United Kingdom will host networking receptions for conference participants.

A Sneak Peak at Summit Session Topics:

The IIE Summit on Generation Study Abroad will highlight best practices, ideas, and innovations that advance the collective Generation Study Abroad goal of significantly expanding and scaling education abroad.
Join plenary debates, panel sessions, and think tanks on subjects including:
Thank You to our Partners and Sponsors