International Education in the News

What's Keeping Black Students From Studying Abroad?
Only about 5 percent of Americans who study abroad are black, according to IIE data. "Losing out on cultural interaction abroad could also mean losing out on job prospects and other benefits." — The Atlantic

Why Are All of the Kids on my Study Abroad Trip White?
The reasons are complex—says IIE’s Daniel Obst, interviewed for the article—and include cost, the perception that study abroad is for wealthy white students, and the lack of familial familiarity with available opportunities. — USA Today

Unlocking the Potential of Educated Arab Women
Women in the Arab world outnumber men in pursuing university degrees, yet they are far less likely to enter and remain in the job market. —

Plan to Engage 10,000 Diaspora Scholars in African Higher Education
The initiative is part of the Carnegie African Diaspora Fellowship Program, which seeks to counter brain drain through fellowships with African diaspora academics in North America. See complete article spread on the African Higher Education Summit in Dakar. — University World News

Mobile Students More Likely to Have a Job –Report
According to a new report by Go International, graduates who have studied, worked, or volunteered abroad are more likely to have a job six months after graduating and, on average, are earning slightly more. — University World News