Education New Zealand Generation Study Abroad Scholarships for U.S. Students

Application Deadline: December 1, 2014 | Application and Scholarship Details

The application deadline is near for Education New Zealand’s scholarships for U.S. students . The awards, 33 in total, have been established to assist U.S. students with the costs of studying abroad in New Zealand. Education New Zealand Study Abroad Travel Awards, worth US$2,000, will go to seven students who demonstrate the talent and flair to be ambassadors for New Zealand as an international education destination. Recipients will be required to report on their experience through social media and other channels while in New Zealand. A further 26 Excellence Awards, each worth US$500, will be offered by New Zealand’s eight universities and participating Institutes of Technology and Polytechnics to assist with the up-front cost of traveling to New Zealand. 

Please note that there is also second application deadline, April 30, 2015, for the fall 2015 semester.