44th ACA European Policy Seminar: English-Medium Instruction in Europe

December 4, 2014 | Brussels
Early Registration Deadline: November 13, 2014 | Registration and Seminar Details

A rare phenomenon at the turn of the century, English-medium instruction (EMI) has become a systemic feature in some European countries, particularly at the Master level. Even though the growth curve now shows signs of flattening, English-taught programs have become immensely numerous and popular in the last 15 years. This ACA European Policy Seminar will present, amongst other things, the key findings of ACA`s latest (2014) Europe-wide surveys of this form of tuition.

But the seminar will present far more than the recent ACA study. In an opening presentation, Adrian Veale of the European Commission will tackle the difficult question which language—or languages—Europe`s new global outreach strategy ("Europe in the world") should use to attract the world`s young talents to Europe`s universities and colleges.
