IIE Study Abroad Green Paper, Idea 7: Fix Broken Systems on Campus

The outcomes from IIE’s Generation Study Abroad Think Tank have been documented in the IIE green paper, "What Will it Take to Double Study Abroad?" This paper lays the foundation for an ongoing discussion around how to increase the number of students studying abroad in the short term and to shift the paradigm over the long term. We encourage you to share your insights and best practices with the community by commenting on the 11 Big Ideas outlined in the paper.

Idea 7: Fix the broken systems on campuses that unnecessarily hinder study abroad
Financial aid, scholarships and the process of applying for study abroad are broken at worst and convoluted at best at many campuses. These systems are not set up to "talk to each other," and the user experience is frustrating for students. Resources should be centralized and processes simplified for today’s digitally minded students. In addition to the problems with the systems, the "softer side" of the process is not always organized and clear, and the messages and advice surrounding study abroad are not always consistent and integrated.

Share your insights and best practices on this topic: Submit a comment on our blog.
