2015 Conference of the Americas on International Education

October 20–22, 2015 | Quito, Ecuador
Conference Details

Organized under the theme "The Internationalization of Innovation, Science and Technology: Building an Inter-American Agenda," the CAIE invites high-level governmental authorities and academics, as well as managers and decision makers in higher education to participate in the 2015 event, with the aim of exchanging ideas and learning about public policies, models, paradigms, best practices and trends within fields of current interest as well as making high-impact institutional collaboration contacts. The CAIE 2015 will be coordinated at the national level by the YACHAY Public Company, which manages the City of Knowledge.
After three successful events in Canada (2010), Brazil (2012) and Mexico (2013) with the participation of 2316 delegates from 52 countries, CAIE-Ecuador 2015 will focus on a series of strategic themes related to the Internationalization of Innovation, Science and Technology. Not only will it address models, paradigms, best practices and higher education internationalization indicators and the internationalization of higher education in its various essential dimensions, but it will also examine internationalization at home, and the internationalization of the curriculum. It will address the important theme of training for managers on internationalization. 
If you have any questions, please contact caei@oui-iohe.org.
