Join the Generation Study Abroad Challenge

The May 1st Deadline to join Generation Study Abroad in time for the next public announcement of partners is quickly approaching. We encourage your institution to make a commitment now and be part of this important initiative. 

To date, more than 200 partners have joined and committed to take specific, measurable actions to expand study abroad opportunities for American students by the end of the decade. Partners so far include 180 campuses, as well as foreign governments and exchange agencies, education associations, and other educational organizations. We are deeply grateful to those who have already joined.

Already, our initial announcement of the launch of the campaign has generated a great deal of awareness about the importance of U.S. student mobility and study abroad. We are working with the commitment partners to publicize their participation, and many campuses have had great success in having their efforts featured in local and national news. Generation Study Abroad was also highlighted in CNN’s feature coverage of First Lady Michelle Obama’s trip to China where she spoke out about the value of cross-cultural learning.

Please visit Join Generation Study Abroad to see how you can get involved.