Upcoming Deadlines for the Whitaker International Program

The Whitaker International Program is a competitive grant that sends emerging leaders in biomedical engineering (or bioengineering) overseas to increase international collaboration in the field. The Whitaker Program was funded by The Whitaker Foundation (now closed), and is administered by IIE. Whitaker International Program grants are awarded based on an activity/project proposal that is relevant to biomedical engineering.

The 2014 competition deadlines are as follows:
Awards have included research in heart blood flow, pursuing a Master's in Bioscience Enterprise, a policy project on investment in biomedical devices, improved prosthetic leg design, and development of affordable oral cancer screening tools. Projects can occur worldwide, and have taken place in the UK, Chile, Denmark, India, South Africa, and Singapore among many other locations.

If you have any questions, please contact whitaker@iie.org.
