IIE/Project Atlas Workshop on Data-driven Decision-Making in International Education

February 20, 2014, 9:00 AM–5:00 PM | Washington, DC

Registration Deadline: January 15, 2014 | Register Online ($125)

The Institute of International Education (IIE) and Project Atlas invite you to a one-day workshop on best practices in gathering, interpreting, and using student mobility data to inform decision-making about internationalization at the institutional, national and policy levels. The workshop will strengthen the capacity of U.S. and global higher education institutions, government agencies and non-governmental organizations to build comprehensive data collection mechanisms for collecting and utilizing student mobility data to inform policy, research, and enrollment management practices.

Who should participate? Individuals at higher education institutions (from the U.S. or abroad), governmental agencies and non-governmental organizations who are responsible for data collection or research on internationalization. 

Workshop participants that have established data collection systems will be exposed to new directions for data collection, including capturing student participation data in for-credit and not-for-credit educational activities and measuring new forms of mobility such as joint and dual degrees and online learning. Participants that are endeavoring to launch or expand their data collection efforts will learn from workshop colleagues and from global experts who currently lead data collection efforts in their respective countries and/or institutions. 

Workshop facilitators: Leading experts in international higher education research as well as representatives of higher education institutions who have developed exemplary approaches to using mobility data to inform their work. Confirmed workshop facilitators include, among others:
Learn more about the workshop

Important: the IIE/Project Atlas workshop is a separate event from the AIEA 2014 conference, but if you plan to attend both please note that the AIEA Early Bird registration ends on December 13.
