The Promise of International Education: Building a More Just and Elevated Civil Society

The fall 2013 issue of IIENetworker magazine, which focuses on the "Next Big Thing in International Education," is now available to IIE members as a free interactive flipbook. The magazine features "The Promise of International Education," an article by John Sexton of New York University. Sexton makes the case that the "global network university" model can address two major globalization trends: the miniaturization of the world and the emergence of "idea capitals".

The mission to "move beyond the ‘study abroad’ experience" has brought new challenges, especially curriculum integration, but also many benefits, including attracting global talent from around the world, enhancing research through "novel synergies," and fostering curricular cooperation among faculty from different campuses.

IIENetwork member designees will receive a print copy in the mail. Print copies are also available for purchase, and past issues are available in our digital edition archives.