DAAD Call for Applications: Science Tour 2014

Living in a Digital World: Artificial Intelligence and Visual/Multimodal Computing
19 – 25 January 2014
Application deadline: September 29, 2013

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) invites scientists and administrators from universities and research institutions to apply for a tour that introduces cutting-edge research in the field of computer science in southwest Germany. The tour will cover a range of topics relating to Artificial Intelligence and Visual/Multimodal Computing with a special focus on interdisciplinary research. The call addresses international researchers and administrators with a keen interest in collaborating with German colleagues.

Target Group: Scientists and administrators with strong research background and an interest in international cooperation (PhD/doctorate for at least two years)

For more information, visit: www.research-in-germany.de/dachportal/en/Campaigns-and-Activities/Science-Tours/Science-Tour-2014.html. Please apply via online form.
