Five U.S. Universities Selected for Partnership Program with Vietnam

The Institute of International Education has selected five U.S. universities – Ball State University, Fort Hays State University, Marquette University, Northern Arizona University, and Stetson University – to participate in the 2013 - 2014 International Academic Partnership Program (IAPP) focusing on Vietnam. Over the next year, international education professionals at each of these institutions will participate in a series of training activities arranged by IIE to help them develop their strategy and implement and sustain partnerships with counterparts in Vietnam. The strategy-building program includes a study tour to Vietnam to learn more about the Vietnamese higher education system and learn about Vietnamese institutions’ priorities for developing academic partnerships.

Each institution has made a commitment to form a campus-wide task force to work on prospective partnerships, conduct an institution-wide inventory of activities pertaining to Vietnam and develop a strategic plan focused on partnering with Vietnamese institutions. IIE’s goal in creating the IAPP program of webinars, workshops and site visits is to empower institutions with a number of resources necessary for building successful partnerships with Vietnamese institutions and other counterparts around the world. 
Please see the full press release for further information about the IAPP Vietnam program.