Fulbright Community College Administrators Seminar in Russia

The 2013 Fulbright Community College Administrators Seminar in Russia begins April 3 and runs through the 17th. The seminar will take five participants from Broward College, DeAnza College, Alamo Colleges, Minnesota West Community College and County College of Morris to Moscow and several cities in Tatarstan.

The program brings senior American community college administrators to Russia for meetings and events with their Russian counterparts. Participants learn about the Russian higher education system, including reforms that created a new system of special status, federal, and national research universities. They also examine changes in professional education as well as efforts to solve labor issues through collaboration between schools, colleges, professional training centers, universities, and employers.  Because Fulbright community college fellows understand both professional and higher education in the United States, they have a wealth of information and experience to share with their Russian counterparts. And due to the significant reforms taking place in Russia and the scale at which these reforms are being implemented, the Russian hosts also have much to share with their American colleagues.

For more information about the Fulbright Community College Administrator Seminar in Russia, visit: http://www.cies.org/Fulbright/Russia/seminar/ccas/.
