Register for Conference on Education in Conflict-Affected Countries

"Voices from Fragile States: Education in Conflict and Fragility"
Columbia University
April 15, 2013

The Voices from Fragile States collaborative initiative led by the University of York in its 50th anniversary year, in partnership with Columbia University, will bring together representatives from selected fragile or conflict-affected countries with policy-makers, academics and donors with the aim of building local capacity in the education sector to help deliver peace and long-term development.

The conference aims to achieve the following:
IIE President Allan E. Goodman will be one of the conference speakers, and IIE Scholar Rescue Fund scholars will participate on some of the panels. 

To see a list of other participants, and to find more information and registration, visit the conference website. There is no registration fee, but you must RSVP if you wish to attend. To register directly, please follow this link.