Reminder: IIE’s Best Practices Conference in New York

Friday, March 22, 2013
IIE Headquarters in New York City

Please join us for the Annual IIE Best Practices in International Education Conference on March 22, 2013, in New York City. This event will feature high-level experts, including presidents, provosts, and international education administrators from institutions around the world. The conference will also honor the winners of the 2013 IIE Andrew Heiskell Awards for Innovation in International Education.

For the conference agenda and to register, please visit: Please register at your earliest convenience, as space is limited. IIENetwork members receive a special registration discount.

Sponsorship Opportunities:
Conference sponsorship is available at various levels. Please email Shannon Harrison by February 25 to sign on as a sponsor. Sponsorship benefits include complimentary registration, brochure inserts in conference bags, highlight on IIE’s website, and a private discussion with IIE’s President Allan Goodman and other sponsors.