Australian International Education Conference: Call for Session Proposals

Global Imperatives – Local Realities
October 8-11, 2013
Canberra, Australia
Session Proposal Deadline: April 5, 2013

Education institutions are under increasing pressure to engage deeply at the international level while at the same time operating primarily as national agents within their domestic framework. Achieving balance and sustainability in this context is often a significant challenge. Global and local educational, economic, and socio-political forces continually intersect, creating competing priorities but also fostering creative tensions.

This year’s conference will focus on the key global, regional and local drivers that influence and shape international education. What impact do these drivers have and how can we respond to them most effectively? Conversely, what impact does international education have on the world around us globally and locally? How do local realities affect our ability to respond to global imperatives and opportunities?  How do we achieve balance between global imperatives and local realities? How will international education influence and shape the future of the nation and the world? The 2013 conference will address these fundamental issues. The program will feature major thought leaders, practitioners, researchers and other experts from Australia and internationally. Five conference streams reflect and build on the overarching theme.

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