Happy Holidays from IIE – A Message from Allan Goodman

Dear IIENetwork Members, 
All of us at the Institute of International Education wish you a peaceful and happy holiday season. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all you do throughout the year to help students, scholars and other individuals around the world gain valuable international experience. We are grateful to those who have supported IIE’s Scholar Rescue Fund by hosting our scholars on your campuses, as well as those who have partnered with us on the many scholarship and fellowship programs we have the privilege to administer for our sponsors.  
We are also grateful to each and every IIENetwork member for expanding the role of international education on their campus. The issues confronting today’s leaders require the ability to understand and address both local and global challenges. In order to build inclusive and prosperous communities, future leaders must possess the knowledge, skills, and cultural understanding that can transcend the borders of our interconnected world. 
We thank you for joining us in working to make this vision a reality.
Allan E. Goodman, 
President and CEO
