IIENetwork-EducationUSA Conference Call on Establishing Linkages with Myanmar

"U.S.-Myanmar Higher Education Linkages: Building Capacity through Institutional Partnerships"
December 13, 2012
10:00am to 11:00am EST Teleconference 

To participate, please register online at: www.iie.org/myanmarcall

The Institute of International Education and the EducationUSA advising network invite you to participate in a special conference call with high-level U.S. and Myanmar officials on establishing linkages between higher education institutions in both countries. The conference call will focus on current efforts to expand education cooperation; the current and future interest of U.S. higher education institutions in academic partnerships; and how to utilize those linkages to build capacity at higher education institutions. 

The call will be moderated by Allan E. Goodman, President and CEO of IIE. The distinguished participants will include: 
To participate, please register online at: www.iie.org/myanmarcall. Dial-in information will be provided later.
