Apply for Maternal Health Young Champions Program

Application Deadline: November 10, 2012 

Maternal mortality is a major threat to women’s lives in developing countries. While maternal health outcomes have improved in some countries over the past few decades, rates of maternal death remain alarmingly high. Every minute, a woman dies in pregnancy or childbirth and over 300 million women in poor countries suffer from maternal morbidity. In many very poor countries the majority of mothers do not receive even the most basic health care, and quality care during childbirth - when both the mother and child are most at risk - is often unavailable. To reduce maternal mortality and morbidity over the long-term, emerging public health leaders need to be equipped with the skills, commitment, and vision to respond fully to multiple causes and consequences of this threat.

The Maternal Health Young Champions Program, a partnership between the Institute of International Education and Harvard School of Public Health, offers a unique fellowship to 10 young people who are passionate about improving maternal health in their home country. The Young Champions who are selected will be matched with in-country mentors from selected organizations for a nine-month research or field project internship focusing on a particular area of maternal health. The fellowship includes leadership training and participation in the Global Maternal Health Conference 2013 in Arusha, Tanzania.

Maternal Health Young Champions are students or young graduates in public health or a related field who are committed to improving maternal mortality and morbidity through either research or innovative field work in their home country.

Eligibility Requirements 
Applications are currently being accepted from candidates from Ethiopia, India, Mexico, and Nigeria who meet the following minimum criteria:
For more information on the program or to apply, go to