Outcomes of the International Education Summit on the Occasion of the G8

The Institute of International Education (IIE) organized and convened the 2012 International Education Summit on the Occasion of the G8, entitled "International Education: A Global Economic Engine" on May 2 and 3 in Washington, DC. The Summit brought together 50 high-level delegates from 15 countries and the European Union, representing the major national exchange organizations and government agencies involved in international academic mobility.

The Summit brought the education policy leaders from countries and regions that host 80 percent of the world’s 3.4 million globally mobile students to look at how we can best collaborate to meet future needs.

For more information about the Summit outcomes, a "Call to Action," statements from each delegation on "Priorities for International Education," and video highlights of the event, please visit: www.iie.org/g8meeting.

Summit Outcomes
Summit participants concluded that international education has significant long-term impact on job creation, workforce development, and global business relationships. Several nations are placing greater emphasis on educational exchanges in teaching STEM skills as part of an employment and economic development strategy. Summit participants also agreed that countries need to work more closely together to address barriers at the institutional and policy levels that hinder international academic mobility. There should be a more global effort to set common regulatory frameworks, including for quality assurance, credit systems, validation and recognition, and to seek agreement on learning goals and outcomes.

Call to Action
Based on the deliberations of the 16 delegations, IIE issued a Call to Action, calling for international education, especially educational mobility through scholarships and fellowships, to be a higher priority in economic or public policy dialogues among nations, and a priority in multilateral diplomatic engagements. In it, IIE urges world leaders to make international education a higher priority for the following reasons:

This Call to Action is particularly timely with the G8 Summit at Camp David beginning this week (May 18-19th). And a new regional educational cooperation network is currently being explored by the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation's 21 member-economies, with the host of the 2012 APEC Summit, Russia, advancing cross-border higher education as a key link to economic integration. This is likely to be a topic of the APEC education ministers meeting in Korea on May 21-23.

Resources and Background Materials
Please visit the International Education Summit event website to access the following detailed materials: 
