International Education Summit on the Occasion of the G8

Dear IIENetwork Members,

Today and tomorrow, leaders from 15 countries and the EU are convening in Washington, DC, for the 2012 International Education Summit on the Occasion of the G8. The International Education Summit is convened annually in the G8 host country to provide a platform for top-level policy-makers and practitioners to meet and exchange experience and expertise. The delegates will discuss specific areas of effective collaboration, examine current successes and future needs, promote global academic mobility, and raise awareness of the economic impact of international education among the G8 leaders. The 2012 International Education Summit is convened by the Institute of International Education.

This timely meeting will bring together education policy leaders representing the major national exchange organizations and government agencies involved in international academic mobility. The following G8 members and other invited states are participating: Australia, Brazil, China, Canada, the European Union, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Qatar, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States. U.S. Under Secretary of Education Martha Kanter and Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Adam Ereli will give opening remarks.

The overall theme of the 2012 Summit is: "International Education: A Global Economic Engine." Global mobility in higher education—the exchange of students and scholars—is an economic engine that fuels the economy of both home and host countries, keeps our universities vibrant and competitive, and prepares the future workforce to meet global challenges. International education is a multi-billion dollar industry that is a major service-sector "export." But more importantly, it fosters innovation and strengthens commercial and diplomatic ties between nations. The deliberations will focus on four major policy themes:

  1. National Priorities in the Promotion of Internationalization of Higher Education
  2. The Economic Impact of International Education
  3. Academic Mobility
  4. Institutional Cooperation

For more information, please visit: For updates from the proceedings, follow @iieglobal and #iieg8 on Twitter.