Apply for the Summer 2012 Seminar in India for Presidents and Senior Academic Officers

Application deadline: October 25, 2011

The U.S. Department of Education’s Fulbright-Hays Seminars Abroad Program is offering a special overseas seminar to India in October especially designed for presidents, provosts, and academic vice presidents of U.S. colleges and universities who lead the effort to establish and/or refine their institution’s international education vision and agenda. These mutual interests offer unprecedented opportunities for U.S. institutions to explore opportunities for collaboration in areas including program and curriculum development, faculty and administrator exchanges, and study abroad opportunities.

Participants will gain first-hand knowledge of a cross-section of Indian institutions of higher education and meet with high ranking university administrators and public sector officials who play a key role in the planning and administration of higher education in India. Seminar locations will include universities and colleges in New Delhi and two other major cities (to be determined), and visits to research institutes and non-governmental organizations that lend themselves as sites for higher education collaborations and exchanges between the U.S. and India.

For more information, please visit the program website at, or email the Seminars Abroad Program Coordinator, Carly Borgmeier, at