Dialogue of the Americas Retreat in Mexico

October 31 to November 1, 2011
San Luis Potosí, Mexico

Registration Deadline: October 28, 2011

The Association of International Education Administrators (AIEA), the Asociación Mexicana para la Educación Internacional (AMPEI), and the Consortium of North American Higher Education Collaboration (CONAHEC) invite you to apply to be a participant in the Dialogue of the Americas, a retreat of senior international officers at the Hotel Westin in San Luis Potosí, Mexico. This third edition of the Dialogue of the Americas will take place from October 31 to November 1, 2011, just before the AMPEI conference. It will bring together international educators from the Western Hemisphere to discuss common issues and challenges in international education and cooperation in the Americas.

The conveners for the Dialogue of the Americas are:
Francisco Marmolejo, Assistant Vice President for Western Hemispheric Programs at the University of Arizona and Executive Director of CONAHEC: fmarmole@email.arizona.edu
Andrew R. Gillespie, Associate Provost, International Programs at Auburn University: arg0014@auburn.edu
Thomas Buntru, Director of International Programs at Universidad de Monterrey and current president of AMPEI: tbuntru@udem.edu.mx
Darla Deardorff, Manager of International Programs at Duke University and Executive Director of AIEA: d.deardorff@duke.edu

The deadline for signing up for the Dialogue of the Americas is October 28, 2011. In order to sign up, please contact any of the conveners at their email addresses. Applications will be accepted via email until all participants are selected. We ask interested colleagues to include in their application a short statement of the reasons why they wish to participate in the retreat and to indicate three topics they would like to discuss. The registration fee for the Dialogue of the Americas is USD 200. Participants are expected to cover airfare, hotel, and meals on their own.

For more information and an idea of the issues to be discussed, please visit the AIEA website: www.aieaworld.org.
