What does the CPHR designation represent?

What is a CPHR?

The CPHR designation represents a commitment to a national standard of excellence and sets a benchmark for the practice of effective Human Resources. It emphasizes the strategic role of HR management in business and plays an important role in securing HR's position as an equal business partner at the senior management table.

The CPHR designation signifies that an individual has achieved and continues to actively demonstrate mastery of the HR body of knowledge. Through a national examination and assessment process, each CPHR designate must demonstrate the core competencies relevant to the HR profession.

Certification is an essential tool for maintaining high performance standards. The designation assures employers, clients and other HR professionals that a CPHR has committed to abiding by Code of Ethics & Rules of Professional Conduct, a breach of which will result in disciplinary action including the possible removal of the designation. 

You earn the confidence of your employer, colleagues and peers with the knowledge that you are a leader in your field, committed to achieveing HR excellence.

Did you know there are alternate paths to becoming a CPHR including a non-degree path? Click here to learn more or contact Lori Brûlé, CPHR Designation Manager, by email at lori@cphrmb.ca, or call 204-943-3624.