Q&A with Jesse Tyson, President and CEO, NBMBAA

The new "On a Lighter Note" section interviews leaders with questions that reveal their personalities in a less formal way. For this issue, we delve into five questions with National Black MBA Association President and CEO Jesse Thomas.


Q: Most people’s careers are basically a series of opportunities or paths you need to choose from.  And sometimes, you may be left wondering what if I took the other path. Looking back is there a point in your career you’d like to go back to and see where that path would have taken you just out of curiosity?

JT: That's an interesting question but my short answer is "no". Careers typically have staggered starting points and we must determine for ourselves how hard we need to train to finish the race with those who may have gotten a head start on us.

My approach to developing my own path required me to conquer fear, own the outcome and have no regrets. This meant I had to try to blossom where I was planted and focus on what was ahead of me. 

Had my career taken a different turn, I would have missed out on the many unforgettable experiences that I was fortunate to have. We can't pick and choose data points to change without accepting the knock-on effects any one decision will have on our lives and careers.


Q: Imagine you are going into your most important business meeting ever and you can bring 3 people along as part of your team…who would you bring?

  1. My grandmother because of her calming influence and ability to deliver unspoken words.
  2. My mentor because of his focus on showing leadership, strength and perseverance. 
  3. My analyst who worked on the presentation to demonstrate my confidence in their ability and my investment in developing the next generation of leaders.


Q: Tell us what you immediately associate with each one of the following 5 feelings:

This is a very insightful question. I immediately reflected on examples in my life and the “cause and effect” of the feeling.


Q: If you had a superpower, what it would be and why?

The ability to read specific individuals thoughts when making career decisions about equally qualified individuals of different backgrounds and ethnicities.  Why? To develop a cure for unconscious bias. 


Q: What’s on top of your bucket list?

I have lived an amazing life.  Just to think about the journey from being a sharecropper; to running a global business; to living abroad; to having a wonderful family; to having the opportunity to engage with global leaders like President Uribe and President Obama and to having the opportunity today in this role to engage with young leaders of tomorrow-what a great trip I have been given.  With this said, my bucket list is about complete.  But, if I had to add something, it would be to learn how to swim!