July Question: Why go to Conference in September?

Going to Conference will help you connect, advance and thrive in your career. Video is a powerful tool to communicate the impact Prospanica has on its membership in a very personal way, and today’s professionals are pretty savvy with technology. So, why not tap into the video documentarian that lives inside each one of us!  Here we feature Julio Rocha, a veteran Prospanica Conference attendee and member of Prospanica's National Board sharing why he goes to Conference: https://youtu.be/6s9hK2M-E9s

Go to www.prospanicaconference.org to register for the 2017 Power of Performance Conference: Leadership at the Next Level.

You can also share with us how Prospanica has helped you connect, advance and thrive!  Here’s how:

Step One

Choose what you want to talk about from the options below:

Step Two

Record a 30 second video on your smartphone (horizontally, please) telling us how Prospanica has helped you with one of the following:

A) connect with a great opportunity
B) advance in your career
C) thrive as a Hispanic professional


Step Three

Submit your video clip along with your full name, Chapter location, and the year you became a Prospanica (NSHMBA) member to news@prospanica.org   

Subject: Membership Testimonial or Conference Testimonial