HAC Communication
President's Message

As you know, the Minister has declared that he intends to publish the draft Flight & Duty Time Regulations in Canada Gazette II at the end of June – in fact, he recently suggested that he intends to publish even earlier - in mid-June.  HAC and its eight Coalition partners have been keeping the pressure on, and we know that there are many operators that have raised concerns with him directly, or through their Members of Parliament.

Safran Helicopter Engines Canada
Safran Helicopter Engines is very proud of the excellent results given by customers and readers in the latest survey conducted by Vertical Magazine. We are committed to doing our utmost to give the highest quality in customer care and provide the best and most reliable engines and services possible. We continue to be… "Focused On You" WINNING CATEGORIES: FIELD REPS – REPONSE TIME – TECH PUBS - WEBSITE – COMMUNICATION – TRAINING
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Comme vous le savez, le ministre des Transports a déclaré qu’il entend publier le projet de réglementation sur les temps de vol et de service en vol dans la Partie II de la Gazette du Canada à la fin de juin. En fait, il a récemment suggéré qu’il prévoit même le publier plus tôt, soit à la mi-juin.  L’ACH et ses huit partenaires de la Coalition ont continué à presser le ministre, et nous savons que plusieurs membres exploitants ont communiqué directement avec lui ou avec des membres du Parlement pour leur faire part de leurs préoccupations.

Skye Avionics Ltd.
Panterra Heli Support Ltd.
Industry News

Its been three years since we have been in Vancouver, and this year’s Vancouver program is bigger and better.

Il y a déjà trois ans que nous avons tenu notre congrès à Vancouver. Cette année, le congrès de Vancouver sera encore plus grand et encore amélioré

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Alexander Holburn Beaudin & Lang LLP
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You may recall from a previous HAC Newsletter, that Transport Canada recently imposed a new definition for “Flight Time” and “Air Time” for helicopters. Apparently, Flight Time and Air Time are now the same. This has caused some grief for the helicopter flight training community, and we know that Transport Canada is in the process of revisiting this new interpretation, so we suggest that you connect with your POI before making any precipitous changes one way or the other.

Vous vous souviendrez peut-être que dans un numéro récent de ce bulletin, nous avons indiqué que Transports Canada avait récemment imposé une nouvelle définition des « temps de vol » et des « temps dans les airs » pour les hélicoptères. Apparemment, les temps de vol et les temps dans les airs sont maintenant la même chose. Cette annonce a été mal accueillie par les écoles de pilotage. Sachant que Transports Canada a entrepris de réviser cette nouvelle interprétation, nous vous suggérons de communiquer avec votre IPE (inspecteur principal de l’exploitation de Transports Canada) avant de faire tout changement à vos opérations.

Kaman Aerospace Corp.
Panterra Heli Support Ltd.
HAC Welcomes New Members & Associates

New Associate Member

Canadian Air Parts Ltd.
Delta, BC

New Operator Member

Monashee Helicopters Ltd.
Vernon, BC

News From The Web

Saskatoon Star Phoenix
The government will also examine options to expand the search-and-rescue helicopter fleet, including buying AW-101s or upgrading former U.S. presidential helicopters.

PR Newswire
The "North America Aviation Market - Growth, Trends and Forecast (2018 - 2023)" report has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com's offering.

Shephard Media
The preowned helicopter market remains challenging, though there could be potential for improvement in values in the coming years, according to François Gautier, founder and CEO of Avinco. 

The Verge
Uber held its second annual “flying taxi” conference in Los Angeles this week, so we have a bunch of cool new concept images of weird, drone-helicopter hybrids that you could use to fly across town sometime in the next decade.

HI Helicopter Investor
StandardAero recently signed an agreement with Beijing Reignwood Star General Aviation Company Limited to provide support to its fleet of Rolls-Royce M250 and RR300 engines powering the company’s Bell 407GX, 206L4, 206B3 and Robinson R66 helicopters.

Defense News
The Canadian government will begin negotiations with Leonardo for a modernization program for search and rescue helicopters, undercutting a competing effort by Sikorsky.

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