Letter from the President: By Matt Wainwright

Kill the headlights and put it in neutral... net neutral!

So FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler finally made a decision. All this talk about the Internet and net neutrality, which is meant to eliminate app blocking and paying for faster speeds, and premiums for Internet "fast lanes" to incumbent providers. So where the hell are we now? It's a good question, and not one I can answer succinctly in this note. But I'll throw some ideas out there. Let's do it like this:

So although decisions have been put forward, it’s a mixed bag. But hey, we have some direction. And as GMIS members, this is REALLY important. Important because we are technology leaders in public service representing constituents in communities that will continue to demand more robust Internet service for the foreseeable future. Instead of using our feet to ride a bike without a chain, FCC Chairman Wheeler provided a chain – so we can pedal. But like any other regulation that starts and eventually burns, it is the deregulation that will surely follow. We've seen this over the past few years with electricity. Just look at your electric bill and let me know if I'm making sense.

Have fun and we'll see you in August for the GMIS International Conference in lovely Newport, RI. This topic will be broached in depth during the conference so be there!