Senate Committee Appearance Productive

On October 24, the CPA appeared before the Senate Committee on Energy, Environment and Natural Resources in what was a very productive meeting. The Senate Committee is conducting an in-depth study on the effects, challenges and costs of transitioning to a lower carbon economy.

Representing the CPA were Nathalie St. Pierre, CPA President and CEO; Guy Marchand, President of Budget Propane and CPA Past Chair; Greg Thibodeau, Manager of Marketing at Pembina Pipelines Corporation; and Taylor Granger, Business Development Leader at SLEEGERS Engineered Products Inc. 

In her opening remarks, St-Pierre stated that, "propane is a game-changer that can help drive our country forward. In order to maximize our opportunities and the opportunities that propane can provide, it is critical that governments at all levels, beginning at the federal level, work with our members and use our expertise."

Discussions with the Senators included four main priority areas for the propane industry, which the CPA delegation outlined for the committee: rural and residential sectors, remote and Indigenous communities, transportation, as well as manufacturing and exports.

Like most Canadians, the Senators who had experience with propane as a fuel understood the relevance of propane as Canada looks to cleaner fuels. For example, Quebec Senator Rosa Galvez, who lived in Europe where propane is an essential fuel, said that she concurred with the information the CPA presented in comparing fuel, oil, methane and natural gas with propane.  Galvez also noted that the element of fairness needs to be addressed: "I agree with you, and I agree also about this balance and the unfairness and some subsidies that are given to certain types."

The CPA will be continuing its ongoing work to reach out to legislators at all levels and increase understanding of the many ways the expanded use of propane can lower greenhouse gases and create jobs for the economy.