Line 5 Update

In August, the CPA filed a submission with the Michigan Pipeline Safety Advisory Board in support of the continuation of Enbridge Line 5. The Advisory Board is currently reviewing the future of Line 5, which runs from Superior Wisconsin, under the Straits of Mackinac, through Michigan to Sarnia.

Various levels of governments and organizations have also joined the effort to support Enbridge Line 5, including: the Government of Canada, local MP Marilyn Gladu, local MPP Bob Bailey as well as the governments of Ontario and Quebec, and private sector groups such as the Canadian Fuels Association, the Chemistry Industry Association of Canada and the Canadian Chamber of Commerce. In addition, there were many letters of support from the local Sarnia-Lambton communities.

It’s expected that the State of Michigan will review all submissions and file a report at some point this fall.

As part of its inspection of the pipeline’s enamel coating, Enbridge has confirmed two locations containing small areas where there are gaps in the pipeline coating.  A third location also has a possible small area of bare metal which is still being evaluated.  These were likely the result of mechanical scrapes during the installation of support anchors for the pipeline. 

In August, Enbridge indicated to the CPA and other supporters of Line 5 that there is no visual evidence of any corrosion or impact on the integrity of the pipe or the safe operation of the dual pipelines.  The Line 5 pipelines at the Straits are protected with redundant systems including the enamel coating, cathodic protection, and internal and external integrity inspections. Even with a small gap in the coating, the cathodic protection system continues to protect the pipes.

The State of Michigan has expressed concerns about the gaps in the pipeline coating. Enbridge said that repairs to the coating will be undertaken but beyond the coating issue, there was no actual damage to the pipeline.