Advocating on Both Sides of the Border Proves Fruitful

CPA’s recent win before the Ontario Energy Board is a major victory for CPA members and the propane industry. The CPA and some members participated in the generic proceeding to address natural gas expansion into unserved areas. The association argued that utilities should not be allowed to make existing ratepayers responsible for costs associated with expanding into new areas.

Facilitating a favourable business environment for the propane industry is a key mandate for the CPA. Unfair expansion of natural gas could have devastating effects on the propane industry and for the thousands of people that it employs. While this decision is focused in Ontario, what happens in one province or sector often has a rippling effect across the country – from producers to wholesalers, retailers, transporters, and manufacturers.

This issue is also being fought across the border, with the U.S. National Propane Gas Association (NPGA) working with state gas associations to fight subsidized natural gas expansion. The association and its members are seeing significant wins from North Dakota and West Virginia to New Mexico. However, the NPGA expects the trend to continue in the push for natural gas expansion in "unserved and underserved" areas and will be ramping up their efforts in the new year.  

Both Canadian and U.S. propane associations must remain diligent in 2017 to ensure a level playing field that does not include infrastructure subsidies or market distorting cost-recovery practices.