Roundtable Discussion on the Water Sector

On March 22, CWWA and Public Safety Canada (PSC) organized jointly a Roundtable Discussion on the Water Sector to celebrate World Water Day. A group of representatives from senior federal level, municipal, academia and CWWA participated at the meeting. CWWA was represented by Adrian Toth, Director of Government Relations. Discussions focused on the following topics: overview on National Critical Infrastructure; concerns regarding the municipal water sector; cybersecurity challenges; research funding; overview on the national project on Strengthening the Resilience of the Canadian Water Sector; future research agenda.
CWWA suggested that the next step to complete the water sector risk profile and key component of the national project on the water sector resilience is cybersecurity. The initiative was supported by the municipal and academia representatives and welcome by the federal government participants. Public Safety promised its full support and will look into ways of funding the project with the involvement of Defence Research and Development Canada (DRDC). A meeting will follow in the next months.

Canadian Water and Wastewater Association