Preventing Disaster Before it Strikes – Developing a Canadian Standard for New Flood Resilient Residential Communities

The Intact Centre on Climate Adaptation and partners have released a new report Preventing Disaster Before it Strikes – Developing a Canadian Standard for New Flood Resilient Residential Communities. This report profiles 20 best practices to be incorporated into the design and construction of new flood-resilient residential communities in Canada. Ensuring that new communities are built under the direction of these practices is necessary to combat ever-worsening extreme weather that, if not addressed, will result in costly and unremitting flood damage. Examples of the need to address current and future residential flood damages are many:tial flood damages are many: 
Accordingly, the Intact Centre on Climate Adaptation (Intact Centre) engaged with municipal stormwater and flood management experts, engineering consultants, developers, homebuilders and other stakeholders across Canada to identify best practices for flood-resilient residential community design. 
The Standards Council of Canada supported this effort, with the objective that the report will inform the development of a flood-resilient community design standard for new residential subdivisions in Canada.

Canadian Water and Wastewater Association