CWWA Window on Ottawa - June 8-9, 2016

The Window on Ottawa is CWWA’s core event featuring presentations from federal departments and national organizations on new initiatives and regulatory developments on a national level. This is your chance to hear what’s coming down the pipe from the federal government. 
The Window format and intimate delegation also allows an opportunity for our delegates to interact with the senior government officials developing policies and programs that will impact operations. We’re looking at ways to improve the opportunities and access to our speakers, making the Window an even more important opportunity to influence federal decision making.
All the information you need to plan your participation is available on the CWWA website - browse our draft program, reserve your space at the venue and sponsor the event.

 Highlights of the program will include:
Our 2015-16 Utility Excellence Awards will be awarded during the Window on Ottawa.The Window also features our Annual Dinner, a night of great food and socializing with our delegates.

Canadian Water and Wastewater Association