WRF and WERF Explore Merger to Provide Better Water and Wastewater Research

The lines between wastewater and drinking water have been fading.  As leaders in the international water research community, the Water Research Foundation (WRF) and Water Environment Research Foundation (WERF) have been taking a proactive and progressive look at the future of water research in order to benefit their subscribers and strengthen research partnerships. It is the commitment of both Foundations to not only remain on the cutting edge of water research today, but to prepare for the next frontier of water, wastewater and stormwater research. And that next frontier has arrived; and brought with it, great opportunities. WRF and WERF are poised to take advantage of these opportunities, and so, in August 2014, a Leadership Committee was formed to explore the benefits of bringing the two organizations together.

The Leadership Committee is optimistic that the two organizations are on a positive path to come together and are excited about the future of a consolidation. At the core of all related discussions is an uncompromising commitment to preserve the integrity of our research and to honor the value of subscriber and volunteer engagement as well as existing relationships and partnerships. 
These FAQs address some initial issues of interest to our respective Boards, subscribers and staff and will be followed up with a series of FAQs in the next several months.

Canadian Water and Wastewater Association