CWWA National Survey on Climate Change Needs and Concerns

CWWA’s Climate Change Committee has formed a sub-committee focussed on engagement of our members. To further its goals, this sub-committee created a national survey questionnaire to obtain current information on the needs and concerns of the Canadian Water and Wastewater sector.

The questionnaire was created and circulated to over 60 municipalities and utilities to get a quick snapshot of their needs and concerns and to confirm the feedback that we have received through our previous National Survey and National Technical Workshops. This valuable information is used to re-confirm the focus of the Climate Change Committee’s initiatives.

The next steps envisioned by this sub-committee are to periodically engage our members throughout the year with issue-focussed interactions that include distribution of information and web-based polling. We envision an annual "three-point arc". 

The three issue-focussed interactions would  cover current needs of the Water and Wastewater sector and would give the Committee an opportunity to share its findings and tools while obtaining feedback on the needs of Canadian communities. This interaction will also help the Committee program the events held at the annual National Water and Wastewater Conference.

Some of the high priority topics that are being considered include: Resources available for municipalities and utilities, including

  1. CWWA’s own Resource Databank
  2. Case studies of Canadian climate change adaptation in the water and wastewater sector including drivers, needs, challenges, and lessons learned
  3. Advocacy for, and information on, funding for adaptation and supporting programs
  4. Champions for Climate Change Adaptation, including departmental roles and responsibilities

Canadian Water and Wastewater Association