Canadian Water and Wastewater Association eBulletin

No Changes to NPRI Reporting for Discharges to Water

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Earlier this year NPRI issued an early engagement document consulting on changes to reporting to the NPRI of discharges to water. These changes would have seen all sectors move to a discharge-based reporting threshold, reporting on BOD and COD and requirements for reporting on all NPRI substances regardless of discharge thresholds.

CWWA submitted comments strongly discouraging these changes – these comments are available on our website, but our main concerns were the site specific impacts of COD and BOD, a lack of monitoring data, and the value of expanding reporting to all NPRI substances when this data would be based on guesses.

At a recent Work Group meeting on substances, Environment Canada indicated that they are removing this item from their work plan, and won’t be making any changes at least in the near future. According to Environment Canada more data is needed before moving ahead with these changes.