June 2015
In This Issue |
Special Announcement
Featured Events
Member Announcements
Featured Article
Articles and Links
Industry Events
Special Announcement
Extended Conference is a cloud-based education solution that delivers content in audio and visual formats, providing you with on-demand access to content required to fulfill your continuing education needs. Take advantage of Extended Conference to gain timely updates from industry thought leaders; also, fulfill the requirements of your employer, professional association, as well as credentialing and licensing boards, all at once!
Extended Conference 2014 packages are available only through July 31, 2015. Public policy, transitions of care, and disease process management and other important updates await you. Start taking active sessions today! *Discounts offered to CMSA members and conference attendees from the original event.
Featured Events
CMSA's 25th Annual Conference & Expo is Next Week!
If you're already registered, look for recent emails in your inbox providing details you need to know, including information on ticketed sessions, the mobile app, this year's community service project, the opening celebration and more!
Not registered yet? There's still time: join us in Orlando this June for the most valuable case management conference in the U.S. Register today!
 Are you planning on attending the CMSA Annual Conference in Orlando? Don’t forget to stop by the Case Management Foundation booth and register for their Orlando Stay-and-Play Raffle, sponsored by AngelMedFlight, Rosen Hotels & Resorts, and the Walt Disney World Co. There will also be a silent auction held during the opening celebration to raise money for CMF’s new small grant program, beginning this summer! CMSA would like to thank all of the chapters that donated to this event!
Member Announcements
CMSA is pleased to offer the newly released CMAG Breast Cancer guide.
The Case Management Adherence Guide (CMAG) provides case managers
of any background with the information and tools necessary to advance
assistance, coaching, and monitoring efforts with the goal of ultimately
improving patient outcomes and care delivery.
Disease-specific chapters provide case managers
with more in-depth information on how to apply the CMAG principles to specific
disease states and patient populations. Click below to download your copy.
Featured Article
Pat Stricker, RN, MEd, Senior Vice President,
TCS Healthcare Technologies
Have you ever thought about what "value-based purchasing" really means
and how it affects the role of the case manager? At first thought, it
would seem that the case manager’s role really doesn’t have anything to
do with a new reimbursement model for health care providers; after all,
case managers do not have any involvement in provider reimbursement, nor
do they have anything to do with health care contracting or
purchasing. However, once we examine this in more detail, I think you
will see that case managers actually play a very significant role in
value-based purchasing (VBP).
Articles and Links
Continued Growth in ACO Program is a Core Component of Delivery System Reform
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) on June 4 released a final rule updating the Medicare Shared Savings Program to encourage the delivery of high-quality care for Medicare beneficiaries and build on the early successes of the program and of the Pioneer Accountable Care Organization (ACO) Model. This final rule is an effort to provide support for the care provider community in creating a delivery system with better care, smarter spending, and healthier people.
Source: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
Industry Events
CMSA Members: Save $300 on any of the events below when you use promo code CMSA300.
World Congress Patient Engagement Summit
Sept. 17-18, 2015 • Boston, MA
Join us September 2015 as industry experts from hospitals, health systems, health insurance plans, and patient advocacy groups convene to share their experience, innovations, and best practices in patient engagement. Learn more and register at: www.worldcongress.com/events/HL15021/#sthash.YOsE2YvT.dpuf.
Patient Flow and Care Coordination Summit
Sept. 28-29, 2015 • Boston, MA
The 14th Annual Patient Flow Summit gathers experts from hospitals, health systems, and health plans to tackle the challenges of admission efficiency, improving virtual capacity, and effective discharge planning while focusing on the patient safety. The summit will include discussions on innovative bed management technology, streamlined standard operating procedures, and case studies that examine the patient experience. Learn more and register at www.worldcongress.com/events/HL15001/#sthash.LP2zQ3QS.dpuf.
The Academy of Oncology Nurse and Patient Navigators (AONN+) is holding their Sixth Annual Navigation and Survivorship Conference October 1-4 in Atlanta, Georgia. Don't forget: the deadline to submit an abstract is June 30. Register today!