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Counselling Corner
The Centre for Addictions Research of BC (CARBC) is a network of individuals and groups dedicated to the study of substance use and addiction in support of community-wide efforts to promote health and reduce harm. Research is used to inform a broad range of projects, reports, publications, and initiatives aimed at providing all people in BC and beyond with access to happier, healthier lives, whether using substances or not. Watch for an article by Cindy Andrews, of CARBC, in the next publication of the BC School Counsellor's magazine about using peer mentoring in reducing substance use.
The Learning Curve
Do you want information; wish to attend professional development; want a refresher on a previous course, but can't get away? The CTRI offers a webinar for free every month on a topic related to counselling. Watch the site for announcements and sign up, or purchase a pre-recorded webinar on your selected topic. This just might be the way to fit in that specific training you have been seeking.
Lasalle College
University of Victoria
School counsellors work closely with a population of children and youth, many of whom suffer complex trauma. Carolynn Turner, founder of Lavender Counselling, has written an excellent article about working with these complex young people using a relational approach. As a school counsellor, you may be this child's initial introduction to emotional stability and their model for developing healthy attachments in the future.
University of Guelph - Humber,
UBC Continuing Studies
Members Only
Belonging to a Provincial Specialist Association is the best way possible to develop your knowledge and skills in your chosen path of education. The school counsellor's PSA helps connect those doing the hard, and often isolating, work of attending to the needs of others while trying to maintain a balance of personal wellness. When delegates attend the BCSCA conference in October, membership in the PSA comes as part of their conference registration, but not everyone is able to attend the conference. If you missed last year and forgot to renew your membership, here is your reminder to re-connect.
BC Counsellor Magazine
Anxiety disorders are the most common mental health illness in Canada. Anxiety BC hosts a website designed exclusively about issues related to anxiety, including an easy-to-use app called MindShift that will help users learn how to relax, develop more helpful ways of thinking, and identify active steps that will help them take charge of their anxiety. The Anxiety BC group is seeking input to help them understand the behaviours, needs and attitudes of their web users. You can help them by taking a few minutes to complete their survey.



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