Allen Gaddis Leadership Academy

 The Association of School Business Officials, Maryland and the District of Columbia (ASBO MD & DC), is excited to announce the establishment of the Allen Gaddis Leadership Academy.  Allen was President of ASBO from 1963-1964 (Member #8) and, until last year, was still a leader in the association and serving on its Board of Directors. The Academy was developed in his honor in order to "give back" to the school systems that have supported our organization over the years.  In so doing, we seek to pass on exceptional skills and professional connections to new staff members that would, in-turn, allow them to better serve their school systems and students.  This Academy affords the opportunity for one person from each school system in MD & DC to attend the Allen Gaddis Leadership Academy – at no cost to the district. 

     Each superintendent will be asked to nominate a new or recent hire to his/her system (hired within the last three years) to participate in the two year programThe program will begin with a Leadership Seminar in June of 2017.  The seminar will include leadership education sessions along with opportunities to become acquainted with their fellow Academy attendees.  Over the next two years each attendee will have the opportunity to be enrolled in each of the eight Foundation courses, two fall conferences, and two spring conferences.  The attendees also will be serving on committees and assisting during our conferences in order to advance their work and learning experiences, as well as to aid them in meeting new colleagues from around the state.  They also will be contributing to ASBO MD & DC’s publications as they share their perspectives on the events throughout the two years.  When they finish the two year Leadership Academy they will be recognized at the 2019 Spring Conference with both their Allen Gaddis Leadership Academy Diploma, as well as with their ASBO MD & DC Certified School Business Certification or provisional certification, should they qualify.

     The three day June Leadership Seminar will have nine hours of classroom instruction, along with over four hours of round table discussions and five hours of leadership building, hands-on events.  All meals and hotel accommodations for the Leadership Seminar will be provided to attendees.