Dear ASHHRA Members,

ASHHRA just completed its 12th Annual Chapter Leadership Conference at the Millennium Knickerbocker Hotel in Chicago. In attendance were many ASHHRA chapter leaders from around the country, joined by the ASHHRA regional consultants and the board of directors.
The event was primarily aimed at in-coming chapter presidents, and one initial goal of the meeting was to help them and others have a better understanding of how the chapters connect to ASHHRA and how ASHHRA connects to the AHA. But then the meeting shifted gears, and the chapter leaders and regional consultants spent a great deal of time comparing notes, swapping ideas, challenging each other, encouraging each other, and generally providing mutual support and guidance that each chapter leader can take back home with them.
This year's event was particularly well done, and much credit goes to board members Karmen Reid and Barry Lindeman as well as to the regional consultants. The regional consultants have a challenging role, so it was very nice from the board's perspective, to meet them and see them in action. They are good!
ASHHRA and its affiliated chapters are all feeling the pinch from the lingering effects of what has been called "The Great Recession" and probably will continue to for a while. My observation is that given the quality of chapter leaders I saw, plus our own regional consultants and board members, I am confident in the continued success of ASHHRA and its chapters. Our 2010 annual conference theme includes the tag line "Preparing for a New Decade of Success." The chapter leadership conference helped us do just that.
Jeff Payne, SPHR
Vice President, Human Resources
Lakeland Regional Medical Center
1324 Lakeland Hills Blvd
Lakeland, FL 33805-4500
863-284-1971 (fax)