Deepwater Oil & Gas Summit 2010

Event: Deepwater Oil & Gas Summit 2010
Organizer: China Energy Association and A.T. Unicorn Group
Date: 14th-16th Sept, 2010
Venue: The Peninsula Beijing, China
Contact Person: Miranda Liu
Tel: +86 21 3360 0066
Fax: +86 21 3360 0636


As global demand for power, heating and transportation has been increasing, stepping forward to exploring deepwater oil and gas will play an ever greater role in meeting our energy needs.

The purpose of "Deepwater Oil & Gas Summit 2010", which will be held on September 14th-16th, 2010 at The Peninsula Beijing China, is to address current situation and future trends, discuss the latest deepwater oil and gas technologies and large projects, and to ensure the sustainable development of the deepwater oil and gas industry.

During this summit, government officials, specialists, scholars, executives and professionals from China and abroad will assemble to discuss the opportunities and challenges in the deepwater oil and gas industry as well as determine future trend. The summit is to be a leading edge summit to highlight the outstanding advances in deepwater technologies, global deepwater projects, and serve as the networking platform for greater collaboration across the sector.

As the organizers of "Deepwater Oil and Gas Summit 2010", China Energy Association and A.T. Unicorn Group sincerely invite you to join the "Deepwater Oil & Gas Summit 2010" to share your success and expertise.

Benefits of Attending

